
Didsbury Golf Club

Course Status

Didsbury: 05.02.25. Course open, Competition is on playing 1-6, 9, 10, 11, short 12 and 13. Buggies stage 5. Bunkers GUR.

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Buggy Policy 2024

Buggy Policy 2024

Stage 1-All Buggies are allowed onto the course and may drive in the appropriate areas as per summer conditions.

Stage 2-All buggies are allowed onto the course but must stick to the rough at all times, and paths where possible. Holes 1,4,11 will be path only.

Stage 3- Only Single seater buggies will be allowed onto the course. They must stick to paths at all times where possible. They may be restricted in certain areas however this will be confirmed on the day.

Stage 4-Only Single seater buggies may be allowed onto the course but must stick to the rough at all times. Paths will be mandatory for holes 1,4,11

Stage 5-No buggies will be allowed onto the course.

The stage will be updated daily and made aware to members in the course status or via email. This will operate on a self-policing system and will be monitored the following day by the groundstaff.  As such the stage may be moved without the need for a change in ground conditions due to stages not being adhered to. 

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